Japan Industry News

Expert Columnist Stefan Borst

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Expert Column:
Industrial Trends in Japan

Stefan Borst

Stefan Borst is one of the co-founders and Partners at IDA Group, and a seasoned expert in strategic communication. A lawyer by training, he has accumulated over a decade of experience as a professional journalist for several renowned magazines in Germany and abroad. During his seven years as Correspondent for FOCUS Magazine in Brussels he has built a deep and robust network across the EU Institutions and within German and European media.

Today Mr. Borst successfully heads the Brussels office of IDA Group, personally advises leading EU politicians on their communication strategies, consults and represents multinational companies in their corporate diplomacy efforts and very much enjoys maintaining and expanding his media contacts further across Europe.

He regularly gives lectures on Public Affairs and frequently acts as moderator for panel discussions and events in Brussels and Berlin.

Due to his early role as a reporter covering the rise and fall of the New Economy, Mr. Borst still has a strong background in all IT related matters and maintains an extensive network within the IT community and social media platforms.

Contact: Email

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